Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Week 29-30: Detroit, MI

It is lovely to sit down for two weeks, even if it is Detroit. Day one I hadn't even unpacked before I hit the grocery store to stock up on fresh food. I think when I'm done with tour I probably won't go out to eat for a while, unless it's to catch up with friends in the city.

Naked Juice: a tour essential. Its just so delicious and nutritious, and fairly available these days. My favorites are green machine, berry veggie, and orange carrot. If you haven't tried them go NOW!!

So, I forgot you cannot use liquid detergent in the dish washer. I came downstairs to find this lovely bubbly mess on the floor and could only laugh. Apparently it happened to 5 different people that one day!! 

We had a two story suite, and I spent a lot of time up in my lofted bedroom watching TV, knitting, sleeping, and working out. This was my roost for two weeks. Sometimes you just gotta get cozy and not worry about the touristy stuff.

I was going through some rough emotional stuff both in and out of work the last few weeks, and Detroit was the pinnacle of the drama. We've been out on the road for a while now and the upcoming break can't come quick enough. I had one pretty rough night but my lovely roommate Mandy surprised me a yummy ice cream sundae to cheer me up. She cut those York peppermint patties into little hearts by hand :) 

In my struggles, I reached out to our little Bible study group for prayer. Everyone responded with wonderful advise and warmth, but this particular text got me. Good friends make such a difference when the going gets rough. Really grateful for the kind, Christ-like people in this cast.

Family everywhere!! It's really amazing how many people I know across the country. My cousins Gary and Karen live in the suburbs near Detroit with their boys Austin and Collin. Look at those tall Kittrell genes!! They loved the show and Karen gave me a tour of the beautiful, green neighborhoods outside of the city. 

Real kitchen= immediate baking! I make a mean pumpkin chocolate chip cookie, and I tailored the recipe so that it was dairy free for my friend Carly. I made probably 4 dozen over the two weeks with all my requests. Here's the recipe if anyone is interested!!

Amanda celebrated a birthday our first week there, and we had a lovely breakfast before the two show day. The little boys were big fans of the noise makers.

Since we had big suite style hotel rooms

Alan, Amanda, and me early on in the night.

The birthday room. With three celebrations in the surrounding days, it only seemed appropriate. We played pin the tail on the donkey, did birthday cake shots, and had both vegan and non-vegan cupcakes.

Cat is a rocking ninja. All the ninjas actually spent the first few rooms in all their garb, hiding against walls, etc. It was hysterical.

Ninja's champagne of beers....

My lovely friend Brian and I toast with Prosecco in Italia.

Espana: jello shots, chips and salsa, and quesadillas. 

Suburbia: complete with multiple TV screen video gaming, pizza, and chinese food. 

The RuPaul drag race room, starring Kyle and Brian. Resourceful boys that they are, they made all their costumes our of supplies provided by Party City. The things we do to entertain ourselves.

Belle-isimma Jimmy. There are always stickers and crowns and props at a theatre party.

And so begins an exciting activity with my friend Sam: package exchange!! I sent him a list of all our remaining cities and we decided no theme was necessary. Just little treats from the road from me, and comfort from home from him. Very excited about what's to come.

Just being a gangsta napkin. I need to make a big cabled hat like this, so cozy!!

New read: The Great Gatsby. I haven't sat down with a book in a little while, and on several people's recommendation I'm going with this classic. So far, so very good.

And now we're back to Canada for a much anticipated city: Montreal, QB!!

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