Sunday, May 13, 2012

Week 26: Salt Lake City, UT

It got cold again in Salt Lake, a bit of a tease after our flip flop weather in Denver. But the sun was still shining, and that makes me happy. Our hotel was just across the street from the Mormon Tabernacle, so we could see in to the grounds and gardens, which looked lovely. A group from our cast went on Sunday to hear their famous choir sing.

This was a big city for us, as we replaced four people, including three principal characters! The director and choreographer came out for rehearsals and we were busy revamping the show. Not a whole lot of site seeing to be had, but managed to enjoy the city on our golden Monday following the week performing.

Beautiful weather in Salt Lake, where all the buildings are apparently white.

There is often wall art tags in the backstage area of shows that have come through any given theatre. This is from the BTB tour in 2000 I believe, and definitely the biggest one I've ever seen; most are maybe 1/3 of it's size, which clearly didn't even fit in the frame. 

Our lovely Babette/dance capitan Chandon always drew outside her lip line to enhance her lips for her role. While it made sense on stage, I found it rather jarring in real life and often got caught staring at her was requested that we all 'do the Chandon' on her last performance day. I have an already full mouth and was concerned I'd look rather like a duck...which I'm certain was the case. I took these pictures for her.

Chandon, Andrew, and Chris said goodbye to tour in Salt Lake...Chan and Chris have been on since the beginning (January 2010) and Andrew for 15 months of his own!!

Say "Hello!" to Jess, Jimmy, and Bill in their new roles. 

Saying goodbye to Jess as our F7 "Busty girl". Thank goodness she'll still be in the cast. 

Here's Skye, our new F7...who officially joined the ranks of our chorus at the ever popular height of 5' 3", making me the lone giant in the village. In the real world I could swear I'm average, but in poor provincial France I got the ONLY tall gene...

Michael, our usual Lumiere, had to leave for the weekend so both of his understudies had the opportunity to go on for the first time!! Brian and Andrew did wonderful and individual jobs on their respective nights. We love understudy days because it really spices up the show. 

Just beautiful Jessica and I at dinner, saying goodbye to Chan, Andrew, and Chris. I love her so much!! What a wonderful friend and talented girl!

So, Salt Lake had several delightful shoppings centers...and I made out with a little loot: some much needed jeans, tennis balls for PT purposes, a Verbena Basil candle (holy moly delicious), a fun double wrap watch, my favorite brand of socks- Thorlo's- (go find a retailer with them, NOW), and sneaker balls. An odd assortment to be sure, but I was very happy with my useful purchases.

There was a fun new cafe which I frequented called Blue Lemon, and they had this fun, refreshing lavender soda. Very tasty, like a dry ginger ale.

And the latest news from home: baby Josiah!! My eldest sister gave birth to a happy and healthy little boy. I can't wait to meet him on our lay off in May :)

Next up on our adventures in never ending travel: Springfield and Toledo, Ohio!!

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