Sunday, October 14, 2012

Fall Goals

I love making lists. I made this one about a month ago and I'm trying to adhere to it, which means putting it out in public (experts agree this is a helpful step in achieving goals) and it's going up on my wall of my new apartment! More on that adventure another time.

In no particular order...

  • 5 workouts a week. I consistently get four, the last one might just do the trick in kicking my butt (and helping with the next one...)
  • Sleep naturally. This may be surprising with my particular affinity for slumber, but I am a terrible insomniac. I am capable of laying in bed for hours, wide awake. I've resorted to a few aided methods of acquiring rest, but I don't want to become reliant.
  • Stop making excuses for the nature of my career. Most people outside of entertainment don't understand what exactly it is I'm doing, how I get a job, why I live in New York but have to leave all the time. I'm resolving to no longer care, which might in turn help me focus on getting the next gig.
  • Sing. Every day. To worship, to warm up, to belt it out, to work on my range. Find a reason and do it daily. Practice makes perfect.
  • Drink more water. This is a perpetual battle with my bladder and kidneys that hopefully I win one day.
  • Tithe more. I'm always making excuses about offerings because I am pretty poor. And I am. But even the widow gave away her two pennies. If I don't have the cash, I will make the time.
  • Make more meals for myself. Living in New York, it's more than encouraged to eat out all the time. Maybe I just need a lunchbox...
  • Talk to my siblings regularly. I love them, they love me. There is no doubt and I think we have good relationships. But I want to make a habit of calling. Life is too short.
  • Grow out my bangs. I never wear them down. Ever. I might as well make my life easier by eliminating the  bobby pin culprit.
  • Get some new audition material. There's a few holes in my bag o'tricks. Tap dancing falls under this category.
  • Philippians 4:11-13 says, "...for I have learned to be content whatever the circumstances. I know what it is to be in need, and I have what it is to have plenty. I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation, whether well fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or in want. I can do all this through Him who gives me strength" Work on this contentment, no matter what the day brings. 

That's it! Stay tuned, I'll do my best to let you know how things are going. Hope everyone is having a good fall so far. The weather in New York is very back and worth...two days ago it was cold enough for the radiator to click on, but today it was near 70. I'm a bit confused but anything is better than Manhattan in July.

1 comment:

  1. Caroline I have a few auditions coming up in the winter for Meet Me In St Louis, Curtains and Company and I was just wondering what songs you could suggest to me to use for these auditions? I am an Alto. Curtains is by the same people who wrote Cabaret and Chicago if that's helpful for you in reccomending songs, Thank you darling. Skpye date soon,, or facetime if you have an iphone?
