Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Devouring Time

February is flying by. I blink and there goes another week. I don't know where time flits off to, but I'm not privy to it's whereabouts or have any say in it's passage.

I've always had a fascination with time. I recall being a little girl and sitting up at night not wanting to sleep, thinking, "We would waste much less time if we didn't need to sleep. Think of all the things we could do at night!" I suppose I've never been a good sleeper, that's where it all began. The cycles of light and dark have no effect on the ebb and flow of my desires in work (or play) and rest. I often get waves of tremendous creative or physical energy late at night which are hard to squash for my intense need of rest for the next long day. I am up all hours of the night, never able to sleep more than three or four hours at a time, then could lounge in bed til noon if allowed.

It isn't just sleep. I have never had a consistent sense of time's passing. There are some days whose daylight seems to stretch for three days. I remember this sensation on tour, that 'yesterday' felt like 'last week'. I couldn't tell you what I'd eaten for dinner it seemed so long ago. Then just this last week I realized it blew from Monday to Friday without my knowledge. Yet it seems a century since I've seen a friend, when it was only last weekend.

Read a book recently called Einstein's Dreams by Alan Lightman. An imagined set of dreams Einstein might've had about time while he was composing his Theory of Relativity in 1905. Short and sweet, I read it in a manner of hours but have been thinking about it since then. There are bits of truth in each story, time feeling as if it all happened in one day, time as being relative to a state of motion, time's cyclical nature. I connected to each vignette, as though perhaps all of these worlds are real within our own. It's pretty brilliant and if you are looking for something fanciful but also thought provoking, I highly recommend it.

Speaking of time- and jumping off the existential train- Samanthe's ten months are up! Baby Samuel is here and is so precious and perfect! I got to see him at 24 hours old and I haven't seen such a new baby in so long, you forget how very tiny we are at the start of it all! Here he is world!!

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