Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Week 11: Madison, WI

LOVED LOVED LOVED Madison, Wisconsin! It was freezing (10 degrees one day, not including wind chill!?) but so much fun. Very walkable, gorgeous theatre, membership at an excellent gym for the week, college town, state street shopping. What more could you ask for?

Somehow, I have very few pictures here. Time flies when you're having fun...and too cold to take out a camera!!

Shopping on State Street lead me to some funky, unique stores. I hope to one day feel this way about someone...and own the plate to boot. :)

There was a hilarious movement of purchasing cold weather clothes we dubbed "Arctic Panic". I myself bought a sweater, gloves, 2 pairs of boot socks, a scarf, and a hat. Practically an entire winter outfit! To be fair it was very cold. Here Carly models her new hat, and the general sentiment.

Being a goofball, modeling a funny moose hat at a very cool sports store that made a fortune off our cast.

We celebrated my lovely roommates birthday at a piano bar, where the pianist stepped aside and let Alan and our entire cast take over. I sang "There's a Small Hotel" from On Your Toes, my first musical at my high school. I also lent my book out to two other people to sheet music got more action in one night than in the last 6 months!!

Lots of understudy performances here! Christie went on for Babette for the first time (Chandon, who usually plays here is also our dance captain, so she swings out regularly to note the show). Logan was also out with an injury, so Carter (pictured here) and Jeff rotated playing the role. Always exciting when something is different!

Next stop is the long awaited: Austin, TEXAS!!!

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