We haven't had a one-nighter in a while, but between Portland and Seattle we had to make a rather out of the way pit stop to play an arena in Kennewick, WA. Needless to say it was an unusual show, devoid of any rigging that had to go up and down...so no backdrops, no scrim (the thin black drop that can show action when lit from behind). Oh, and even though the stage was raised, the arena's floor is an ice hockey rink, making it a rather frigid evening. Despite all this, we know the audience had no clue they might not be seeing the "full" show, and they seemed to enjoy themselves all the same.
The finished product: my first hat!! It didn't take me very long turns out, but it is a touch on the big side. I never trust the pattern will be big enough, but lesson learned.
Cool iPhone app: PicFrame. I love compiling a few pictures together and this is a really easy platform to do so. Here's the progression of my first hat.
On the way to Seattle there was an avalanche warning, closing the state highway straight shot. We had to go back to Portland (!!) then up to Seattle, delaying us significantly and in the end, canceling our first show. Having the night off turned out to be perfect...a few of us caught 5th Avenue's production of "Oklahoma"and went out to eat. There is a lot of great theatre in Seattle and it's been ages since I've been to the theatre on the other end.
Seattle is another city on our itinerary I couldn't wait to visit, and I think I have to return. We actually had a few patches of sunshine- something which I'm told is rare up here in the Pacific Northwest. There were a few opportunities to see the city and I made an effort to walk around whenever I got a chance.
My name twin Carly had her 25th birthday! We hiked up a hill to a funky little speak easy type bar called Hideout, sipped cocktails and had a vegan cake.
Lovely mural around the corner from our hotel. Anything that reminds us of the show around the city stands out-obviously. "Home" is Belle's first act solo and a significant theme in the show, so this seemed appropriate and very sweet.
Amazing Reuben from Market House that had to be eaten in two sittings. These sandwiches always remind me of NY delis.
Pike Place Market, holy cow!! Station after station of beautiful produce. I felt like I was back in Italy with all the color and quality fruits and veggies.
Beecher's famous macaroni and cheese. I got a large...and devoured it.
Pike Place fishes. I wish we'd had kitchens this week to enjoy some of the amazing food there.
Carly had the opportunity to go on for Mrs. Potts for the first time! She was a little tiny teapot.
Made it to the Space Needle! What a cool building and obviously very iconic.
A view from the top. We happened to be there on one of the sixty days in a year when you can see Mt Rainier- so clear!! You can check out a current 360 view with their online webcam
Also made it to the Experience Music Project, or EMP. Amazing JImi Hendrix guitar collection, History of Horror Cinema, and Battle Star Gallactica exhibits, in addition to a huge section devoted to learning how to play different rock and roll instruments. I can now play "Wild Thing" on the bass :)
There were a few other birthdays this week I failed to document, but all in all it was a nice week. The weather is finally warming up a touch, so I've put away my big puffy caterpillar coat. Next up is a split week: Eugene, Oregon and Cerritos, California!! Getting ready for some sunshine!!